Dr. David & Jaqueline Ettinger Scholarship for Decker School of Nursing

Established in 2022 by Dr. David and Jaqueline Ettinger. This scholarship will be awarded to a full-time nursing student in good standing in the Decker School of Nursing. The recipient must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Preference for recipients who are first generation college students, or recipients living in the United States whose parents are immigrants. This scholarship will be awarded to a first-year student and is renewable for a second award in the third year of study contingent upon the recipients maintaining the criteria as outlined above and upholding a minimum 3.2 GPA. It is the intention of the Donors to support one student the first year the scholarship is active and a second student the following year. By year 3, the scholarship will be supporting two students annually.
